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Digize Vitality Young Living Essential Oil

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Digize Vitality

young living digize

I wouldn’t consider myself new to the world of essential oils, but there are so many blends that I still need to try!. I recently purchased a set of oils from Young Living (I finally caved) and I was so excited for them to arrive! But once they showed up, I was overwhelmed. They had not included information on what each oil was used for. After a quick Google search, and smelling each oil, I decided to start with Digize Vitality.

Digize was touted to be great for digestion and an upset stomach. It was 7pm and the kids needed to get ready for bed in an hour. So I just went for it! Initially the scent was a bit overwhelming. Once it started to dissipate, it reminded me of the Aveda spa and I love that smell. My husband said it reminded him of a spice cabinet – specifically Anise and Fennel.

It has a strong herbal scent and I would not recommend you use this one when guests are over. Let’s keep it for a night in…

The kids didn’t comment on the scent (which is a big deal around here) and even the dog ran up to take a bigger sniff!

What is Digize?

Digize is a combination of 8 oils: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise and Patchouli. Each one has it’s own beneficial properties but together they aid in calming an upset stomach.


Tarragon has many benefits. In this case, it is primarily used to aid in digestion . It is believed to help with other ailments such as arthritis, menstrual cramps, and muscle pains.


We are all familiar with ginger, but did you know that it has warming properties that sooth and relax. It is used to relieve nausea and improve your mood. Ginger is used to help with seasonal affective disorder, depression and anxiety.


Peppermint has so many uses that one could argue that it has a place in any oil blend. From soothing sore muscles to relieving indigestion, it does it all!


When you hear about Juniper, you typically hear about the benefits to your skin. However, it is also effective in relieving bloating and calming a nervous tummy.


Fennel is one of the best oils for tummy trouble. It cleans out your system (if you know what i mean) and aids in digestion. It provides relied for Irritable Bowel sufferers and aids in balancing the gut. An overall great oil for your system!


Lemongrass is not proven to aid in digestion, however it does have a calming effect which is always helpful in treating stomach issues. Plus, it just smells delicious!


Anise is one of the primary scents in the Digize blend. It smells similar to licorice and also aids in digestion. Anise can be toxic if too much is ingested


I’m not sure why Patchouli was included in this blend, since it doesn’t have any digestive properties. I’m going to asusme it balanced the overall scent. It is used to improve moods so it isn’t a bad thing!

How to use Digize

Apply Topically

This is the preferred method for Digize. Warm a few drops in your hands and rub on your upset stomach. This will also help with digestion. The scent is strong so it can be mixed with a second oil to mask the smell. I would suggest peppermint.

Diffuse it

Add 2-4 drops of Digize to a diffuser. The scent is great when you are home alone but be cautious if you are having friends over. I’d imagine it may be off putting to those who aren’t used to essential oils.

Ingest it

Digize can be ingested, but I do not recommend it. Specifically this blend that contains Anise, which can be toxic.

Have you tried Digize? Would you like to? Reach out to me and I’ll send a sample (if I have it on hand)!

By on April 19th, 2018

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3 thoughts on “Digize Vitality Young Living Essential Oil”

  1. Do you have to mix the white and red labeled DIGIZE bottles with any oils, like coconut oil BEFORE putting them on your skin?

    I have mixed them both with coconut oil and the white label bottle had worked wonders for me when rubbing it on my stomach. But mixing the coconut oil with the red bottle doesn’t do nothing at all for me.

    Question on using the red labeled bottle should I try a different oil like oil olive?

    Thanks for your help

    Michelle 🙂

    • Welcome, and thanks for your comment! Yes, I would definitely mix it with a carrier oil. The carrier oil helps to dilute it, but it also makes it easier to spread evenly. I rarely use coconut oil (personal preference) but I would suggest trying either olive oil or almond oil. What are you trying to achieve with this oil? I have found that when I use it for severe IBS, I need to use it over several days before I start to feel different.

    • Actually I think the vitality blends are the only ones you should use on skin or take internally the other is just for diffusing I do believe only vitality blends are for all of the above I am pretty sure
      God bless you


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