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Natural Easter Egg Dye

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Let’s just address the elephant in the room…yes the natural egg dye colored eggs in my pictures are cracked!

Could I have remade the hard boiled eggs without cracks? Yes, I could have.

Should I have done so? Probably.

But around here we keep it real! With small kids, I didn’t have time to cook up another batch of eggs and then more time to let them cool before coloring. Besides, this is one of the benefits of using natural dyes…I don’t need to worry about toxins getting into the eggs!

picture of one yellow and one blue egg dye in mason jars on a windowsill

I am going to share 5 different colors that we used, but once you get the hang of it I encourage you to experiment with your kids!

It’s actually exciting to try to guess what color the foods will make…more exciting that it probably should be!  

How Do You Make Homemade Easter Egg Dye? 

Honestly, it took several years of good intentions before I finally tried making my own Easter egg dye.

I did a lot of research but I was so intimidated by how long it was going to take. 

And it actually does take about 20 minutes to make, per color. So if you are making 5 all with just one pot – like we did – it can take a while. 

picture of all the different colored egg dyes in mason jars on the window sill

I have found that you can make these ahead of time and let them come to room temperature on the counter before using them. If you do it this way, you can make a few colors each day leading up to Easter. 

If you prefer to make it that morning, I would suggest choosing just 3-4 colors, unless you have enough pots to do more than one at a time. 

Remember that the dyes need to have time to cool before using them.

Note: If you are going to put your dyes in glass jars, make sure they cool down first. 


Pouring hot liquid into glass is dangerous and could crack the glass

Can You Color Eggs Without Vinegar? 

Some say you can, I say you cannot. At least not when you are making natural egg dyes. Initially I didn’t want to use vinegar so I left it out, but the eggs couldn’t pick up the color. 

a picture of 5 eggs that have been dyed in different colors

I let the eggs sit in the water for a long time and when I took them out, it was barely tinted. Once I added the vinegar to the recipe, it started to color the eggs! So in my opinion, Vinegar is required. 

How To Make Natural Easter Egg Dye

The process to making the different colors are all the same. The only difference is the type of food that will be used:

Orange Egg Dye

2 Cups Water

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

Skin from 2 Onions

Add everything to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl

Yellow Natural Egg Color

2 Cups Water

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

2 Carrots (Not Peeled)

1 teaspoon Turmeric

Add everything to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl

Blue Natural Egg Dye

2 Cups Water

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

2 Cups Coarsely Chopped Purple Cabbage

Add everything to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl

Purple Natural Egg Dye

2 Cup Water

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

1 Cup Blueberries (Frozen works best)

Add everything to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 20 minutes. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl

Green Natural Egg Dye

2 Cups Water

1 Tablespoon Vinegar

2 Cups Spinach, Packed

1 Cup Broccoli

Add everything to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 30 minutes. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl

vertical picture with colored eggs in a wire basket

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar TO Color Eggs? 

Yes you can. However, it may change the color of your eggs because of the brown color of the ACV.

Natural egg dyes are more earthy in color than the bright conventional colors, so the brown color might make all the colors look the same. For natural food coloring I would recommend white vinegar. 

How To Color Easter Eggs

Once you have your colors ready, it’s time to decorate your eggs! 

This can be as easy as putting a whole egg in a bowl with the coloring and letting it sit for 5 mintues. Or you can be more creative by coloring just half the egg with different colors. 

We like to color the eggs with crayons first and then dunking it into the dye to see how it turns out. 

Just play around and have fun! That is half the fun of coloring eggs! 

Now try making your own Natural Egg Dye! 

I’d love to see how your eggs turn out! Send me a photo or tag me on Social media. Happy Coloring!

Don’t want to make your own (or don’t have the time)? That’s ok, you can give premade natural dyes a try! 

Want more Easter ideas? Try these fun ideas!

Instant Pot Egg Bites

2 Ingredient Hash Brown Egg Nests

Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

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By on March 5th, 2020

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