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Princess Mac n Cheese – you read that right

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What is Princess Mac n Cheese?

I’m not going to try to pretend that Macaroni and Cheese has any health benefits, but sometimes I need a way to get vegetables in to my kids. And I can hide A LOT of different things in Mac and Cheese!

One of my favorites is beets! You may have read my prior post on beet cubes.I use 2 beet cubes in this dish and I like to use the organic Annies Mac and Cheese. There isn’t much nutrition in the noodles, but at least it’s a good base and this is so easy that it makes a fast dinner or an easy nut-free lunch.

How to Make It:


  • 2 Boxes Annie’s Organic Mac n Cheese
  • 1 can of Costco sized tuna (or 2 smaller cans)
  • 1 cup frozen vegetables (I used peas and corn)
  • 2 beet cubes

First cook the noodles per the directions on the box. When the noodles are cooked, turn off the heat and add the frozen vegetables. They only need to be in the hot water for about 1 minute.

Drain the water from the noodles, leaving about a Tablespoon of water. Mix in the cheese packets and beet cubes

Mix in the tuna, being sure to break up the chunks. If you mix it well enough, the kids won’t know it’s in there!

Serve it! I realize this color doesn’t photograph well. It actually looks bright pink so it’s a lot of fun!

Princess Mac n Cheese

A delicious and easy way to get your kids to eat their vegetables!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 4 people


  • 2 boxes Macaroni and Cheese I used Annie's Organic
  • 1 can Tuna
  • 2 cubes Frozen Beet Cubes (Pureed beets) defrosted
  • 1 cup Frozen Vegetables


  1. Boil 3 cups of water and cook the macaroni noodles until just cooked.

  2. Add the frozen vegetables to the boiling water. It only needs a few seconds to defrost

  3. Add the cheese that came with the Macaroni and Cheese. You can also add shredded cheese instead (or in addition to) the powdered cheese.

    Add 1 Tbsp milk

    Mix in the defrosted beet cubes until well blended

  4. Gently mix in the tuna. Break up the chunks if you'd like it to be hidden!

  5. Serve warm and enjoy!

    Princess mac n cheese
By on June 30th, 2017

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