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Taco Meat with A Cauliflower Surprise – Kid Friendly Recipe

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Taco Meat with A Cauliflower Surprise!

My kids hate Cauliflower with a passion! I have to admit that it really stinks when it’s cooking and I probably wouldn’t want to eat it if I were a kid. But as a mom, I know how many vitamins are in cauliflower and it is packed vitamin C which helps to keep them healthy.

I love to make tacos because it is an easy way to get my kids to eat vegetables. The kids tend to tolerate the lettuce but the other vegetables are too easy to pick out! One night I had some leftover Cauliflower Rice so I decided to mix it in to the taco meat. I was surprised how well the textures blended and the kids didn’t even suspect that I had added anything!

The best part of this recipe is how simple it is to make. The trick is to make sure the meat is cooked into small pieces that are the same size (or slightly larger) than the riced cauliflower. We eat it on lettuce or spinach with diced tomatoes, olives and cheese. The kids eat it with whole wheat tortillas. Delicious!

This recipe assumes you have the Riced Cauliflower already made. Click here for the Riced Cauliflower recipe. It is not necessary to cook the cauliflower ahead of time.

Let’s Make It:

This recipe is so simple, you will smile!

  1. Brown the Ground beef in a large skillet.
  2. Mix in the cauliflower. It is OK to use raw cauliflower.
  3. Mix in the taco seasoning and water. Bring to a simmer and cook until the sauce reduces. About 5 minutes
  4. Serve and Enjoy!

Taco Meat with Riced Cauliflower

This is a great recipe to use your leftover Riced Cauliflower, but you can also make riced cauliflower just for this recipe. 

  • 1/2 head Cauliflower, Riced or pulsed in food proessor
  • 1 pound Ground Beef or substitute Turkey
  • 1/4 cup Taco Seasoning
  • 1/2 cup Water
  1. In a large saute pan, cook the ground beef. Try to break the meat into the smallest possible pieces. This will help to hide the cauliflower.
  2. When the beef is brown and cooked through, mix in the riced cauliflower. 
  3. Mix in the Taco Seasoning and Water. Simmer until the water starts to evaporate (about 5 minutes)
  4. Save and Enjoy!

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By on July 26th, 2017

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28 thoughts on “Taco Meat with A Cauliflower Surprise – Kid Friendly Recipe”

  1. What a creative solution to such a common problem. I personally am a vegetarian, but I am definitely going to suggest this recipe to my wife the next time we have tacos, so that she gets more veggies in her life! 🙂

  2. Great idea! I bought some pre-made riced cauliflower, but even I didn’t like it. Hiding it with taco meat and seasonings might make it more palatable.

    • I have a hard time eating the pre-made riced cauliflower too. It has a weird smell so this is a good way to hide it! If you ever get a chance to make it from scratch, it’s much better 😉

  3. This is a great idea! I am vegan, but my family isn’t. So, I could make the riced cauliflower with the rice and beans and then they can eat it too! Thanks for sharing!

    • I have mixed it with rice before and you can’t even taste it. But I might try your bean idea too, I love that!

  4. Love this idea. I add veggies to lots of our meat dishes to bulk them up, but also to get some of that veggie goodness into my kiddos. Thanks for the idea.

  5. I am making these this week! I had tacos on my meal plan anyway and just happen to have rices cauliflower in my freezer! Can’t wait to try it!!

  6. What a great idea!! I agree that the house is rank when you cook cauliflower, but I think the smell of taco meat may overpower this one. I’m always looking for ways to cut down on the meat consumption, and, whadya know, I make cauliflower rice all the time too! This is perfect!


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