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Granite Cleaner – Homemade With Only 4 Ingredients

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4 Ingredient Non-Toxic Granite Countertop Cleaner

We love our Granite countertops but they rarely look clean! We thought the black color would hide messes well but it had the opposite result! Because the finish is glossy, fingerprints and spills are very obvious. I have tried several natural cleaners but they would leave streaks and they left behind a lingering smell that I couldn’t stand. That’s when I started researching how to make my own clceaner. This Granite cleaner is so simple, you will wonder why you didn’t try it sooner!

Some of the top rated Granite Cleaners on the market today contain ingredients that can irritate the skin and aggravate asthma and other respiratory conditions. They even have warnings on the bottle suggesting you wear gloves and move outdoors if the smell is too strong. I’m always skeptical to bring products with these labels in to the house. Especially where there is an easy, chemical free alternative.

This recipe only consists of 4 Ingredients. I add Tea Tree essential oil to the cleaner to add a clean smell to the kitchen. It doesn’t linger long but it masks the smell of the alcohol while you’re spraying it. You can use any essential oil but be cautious with Lemon or Orange oll since the acidity could break down the coating on the granite.

Give it a Try!

Add the following to an empty spray bottle:

  • 1/4 cup Isopropyl Alcohol
  • 2 Cups of Water
  • 2 Drops of Dish Soap
  • 2 drops of Essential Oil of your choice (Optional)

I plan to buy a nice glass spray bottle one day. I’ve seen some really nice ones lately!  Until then I just use a plastic bottle that I had on hand.

Shake Gently and it’s ready for use! Spray it on the Granite and wipe off with a napkin or soft cloth.

Do not use this on wood floors. The alcohol will strip the finish.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


By on June 20th, 2017

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