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12 Camping Recipes Your Kids Will Love

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Camping season has officially begun! As much as I love camping, I do not love surviving on hot dogs and smores…even though the kids would disagree. These camping recipes are healthy and delicious and the best part is that no one will be asking for hot dogs!

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Where are my camping families at?? Are you the RV type or do you prefer sleeping under the stars in a tent? Either way, make sure you bring a grill with you for some of these favorites. There is nothing better than BBQ food on a camping trip!

Prepare these camping recipes at home and bring them in a reusable container to store any leftovers. For meats, add the marinade and meat to a zip-top bag and freeze it. Then use the bag as an ice cube in the cooler. It should defrost by the time you are ready to eat dinner.

Camping Recipes – Main Dish Ideas

Kid Favorite Camping Recipes

Camping Recipes - Side Dishes

My favorite part of camping food is eating the snacks and side dishes. Here are a few easy ones to try!

Additional Tips To Make Camping With Kids Easier! (About Food)

After years of camping with young kids, we have some tips that make feeding them easier. The fire just might be my husbands favorite part of camping, so we have experimented with cooking all kinds of food on the fire!

Here they are:

  • Stick with foods that you know the kids like. Test any new recipes before you leave home. You don’t want to be stuck in the woods with hungry kids!
  • Foil packet meals do work. Aluminum has possibly been linked to Alzheimer’s, so find a stainless steel foil.
  • Pre-make egg sandwiches (english muffins, scrambled eggs, any toppings) then wrap them in foil and heat them over the fire in the morning.
  • Pack muffins and other nonperishable snacks. The kids can snack on these while they wait for lunch or dinner.
  • Don’t forget the smores. We eat healthy, even when camping, but smores are just one of those things I need to make an exception for. It’s just a part of camping and I limit them to just one!
  • When all else fails, kids love cooking hot dogs on a stick. Have them hunt for a stick then use a knife to make a pointed tip on the end (and cut off the outside bark).
  • Most of all, have fun! As long as everyone is eating and staying hydrated, consider it a successful trip!

Looking for a good Cocktail or Mocktail Recipe? Try one of these!

By on July 23rd, 2020

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